Thursday, November 13, 2008

Saturday, December 13

Our original schedule was to play a “bridge game” during our last class on Monday, December 15. This schedule was made thinking our class might be larger, with only 3 tables I have been working to find alternatives where we can play with other new bridge players.

While I hope to schedule a game at the HHI Bridge Club, my friend and bridge partner Peggy Gibson is teaching two large classes of beginner bridge at Sun City and has invited our class and a class of youth at St. Gregory Catholic School to a special game. Peggy will host a beginner bridge game in the new “card room” at Sun City on Saturday, December 13 from 1:30 to 4:00 pm. Everyone is welcome and there is no charge for playing. This will be a lot of fun … a game just for you and other new bridge players.

Next week’s class will be on "play of the hand" techniques. In addition, we will learn how to score a game and how to move from one table to another to play different opponents. Come prepared next week to play and get ready for December 13.

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